Effective February 2023 the Clinical Transfusion Resource Manual (CTRM) has been retired and replaced with The BC Transfusion Practitioner Handbook. The handbook has been created for use by health care professionals who support the development and implementation of transfusion medicine best practices in the province of British Columbia. The term “Transfusion Practitioner” has been chosen to represent those holding similar roles in transfusion safety throughout BC, appreciating these individuals may have different clinical backgrounds and training. The objective of the handbook is to provide the resources necessary for a Transfusion Practitioner to develop their knowledge related to transfusion medicine, identify, and cultivate the specialized skills required for the role, and provide links to essential organizations. This handbook does not replace other Health Authority standards/procedures that the Transfusion Practitioner may also be required to follow.
Content at a Glance:
- Transfusion Practitioner Roles and Responsibilities
- Foundational Knowledge
- Courses and Training
- Local Committees and Professional Organizations/Memberships
- The Canadian Blood System
- Provincial Blood Coordinating Offices
- Transfusion Medicine Standards and Regulations
- Guidance on Navigating Accreditation and Inspections
- Blood Utilization and Patient Blood Management
- Hemovigilance
- Specialized Skills
- Common Abbreviations
- Glossary
- Additional Resources
The BC Transfusion Practitioner Handbook V1.0
Disclaimer: The BC Transfusion Practitioner Handbook has been developed by the NRG and has been endorsed by the PBCO for use by health care professionals in BC. The material contained in the handbook provides resources for safe transfusion practices and is not intended to provide specific clinical or legal advice and local Health Authority policies and procedures should always be followed.