The BC Ig Neurology Program provides support for the appropriate use of IVIg and SCIg through the provision of clinical guidance and consultation.  The goal of the program is to support physicians across the province in clinical management of patients with conditions where Ig therapy is being considered. The program includes:

  • Centralized screening of most neurology conditions.
  • Regular review of patients with High and Chronic use for conditions that are not centrally screened.
  • Panel engagement in times of shortages.

The program is designed with the aim of providing peer-to-peer consultative support, ongoing patient evaluations, optimized Ig utilization and improving patient care. 

The panel expanded to include the centralized screening of SCIg effective April 1, 2025 to ensure equity and continuity in patient care.

The current BC Ig Neurology Program Panel members include Dr. Kristine Chapman, Dr. Katie Beadon and Dr. Nadim Jiwa.

The following documents will support the Neurology Program.  For specific condition details, refer to the condition lists located on the PNS and CNS pages.


Screening Physician and Utilization Management Coordinator References:

While the following documents were created specifically for IVIg, recommendations may be extrapolated for SCIg use in chronic cases.

Guide for Treatment of Neurology Conditions with IVIg

Condition Index - Neurology and Related conditions


IVIG Neurology Literature