The Safe Transfusion Practice course has been revised and is now in its "Second Edition". This e-Learning course features six modules that incorporate interactive slides, videos, and knowledge checks. These activities will walk the learner through:


- blood basics

- consent and prescriber’s order

- pre-transfusion blood sampling and patient identification

- transport of blood components and products

- transfusion

- management of transfusion reactions


The course is designed for anyone involved in clinical transfusion practice. In its entirety, the course will take approximately 90 minutes to complete, progress is saved so not all modules need to be completed at once. Some users may also choose to only complete selected modules based on their role in the clinical transfusion process or local site/Health Authority requirements.

The course is available through the LearningHub platform using the following link: https://learninghub.phsa.ca/Courses/5523/safe-transfusion-practice (or course code 5523; or by searching “Safe Transfusion Practice”).

*Please note: the content is intended for clinical transfusion practices in adult patients and may not pertain to pediatric and neonatal patients. Course content may also differ from local site/Health Authority policies and procedures, always consult your local policies and procedures for specifics.

For more information or related feedback, please contact the PBCO.