Factor products are used primarily for the prevention and treatment of bleeding episodes in patients with hemophilia or other congenital/ acquired bleeding disorders. Factor products are expensive blood products with a shelf-life of two to three years. In order to minimize product expiry and waste of unused hospital stock, the BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (PBCO) coordinates a provincial Factor Redistribution Program. The safety and quality of redistributed factor products are ensured by the adherence of participating hospitals to the factor redistribution procedures.

BC hospitals send near-expired (<6 months from expiry date) stock to St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver. Factor products to be redistributed to St Paul’s Hospital include:

  • Fibrinogen
  • Recombinant Factor VIIa (7a)
  • Human Factor VII (7)
  • Factor VIII (8), Recombinant Factor VIII and Long Acting Factor VIII
  • Factor VIII (8) von Willebrand Factor Complex (HumateP and Wilate)
  • Porcine Factor VIII (8)
  • Factor IX (9), Recombinant Factor IX and Long Acting Factor IX
  • Factor XI (11)
  • Factor XIII (13)
  • Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (Octaplex, Beriplex)

For other blood products, refer to your internal Health Authority redistribution program.  Contact your Health Authority Transfusion Medicine Technical Lead for more information.

The St. Paul’s Hospital Transfusion Medicine Laboratory (TML) works closely with the Adult Bleeding Disorder Program (ABDP) to ensure that the redistributed product is used prior to expiry, while committing to quality-driven patient care. In recognition of their efforts, St. Paul’s Hospital TML received a Utilization Management Award presented by PBCO, while the ABDP was honoured with the Recognition in Delivering Value-Based Healthcare from the Canadian College of Health Leaders. Visit the article to learn more.


General Program Documents

 PBCO Factor Redistribution Process Overview September 2024 
 Job Aid – Factor Product Packing Configuration:  4°C September 2024 
 Job Aid – Factor Product Packing Configuration: Room Temp   September 2024 
Issuing Site
 St. Paul’s Hospital Fax Template September 2024 
 Selecting and Packing Factor Products for Redistribution September 2024 
  Receiving Site
 Receiving Factor Redistribution Shipments September 2024 


Refer to Redistribution Main Page for Program Tools, Supply order forms and instructions for TempTale Monitors.