Immune Globulin (Ig) is an expensive and limited resource. It is prepared by several commercial manufacturers who use plasma derived from donors to produce IVIg and SCIg.

The BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (PBCO) operates an Ig Utilization Management Program to ensure that enough IVIg and/or SCIg is available for patients likely to benefit from the treatment.  The program incorporates the:

BC Ministry of Health Policy on Health Authority Immune Globulin Utilization Management Directives which requires that requests for IVIG use are screened in hospital Transfusion Medicine Services to ensure that IVIG is used in accordance with the BC IVIg Utilization Management Program Recommendations.

Note that both the Directives and the Recommendations listed above are currently under review to include SCIg. All requests for SCIg should be handled in the same manner as IVIg effective April 1, 2025.

Two specialty panels support centralized screening. Additional information regarding the Rheumatology and Neurology Screening Programs are found on the following corresponding pages:

        Ig Rheumatology Program

        Ig Neurology Program