The BC Blood Contingency Plan is a framework for a rapid and effective response to blood shortages in BC. The plan is an advisory document for those involved with the management, supply and use of blood.
The aim is to ensure that access to safe transfusion is maintained for as many patients as possible during a blood shortage, and to provide a means to enable the equitable allocation of blood in such situations, on the basis of need.
The BC Blood Contingency Plan references the National Plan for Management of Shortages of Labile Blood Components, from which the BC plan is built. Specific Guidelines for the use of RBC transfusions and Platelet Transfusions in children and adults in shortage situations can be referenced within the National Plan.
The Transparent Blood Inventory dashboard is a helpful tool to promote collaboration between hospital sites within BC and Yukon. The near-real time application can be used to help assess potential next steps during blood shortages, or other blood contingency events.
A toolkit is also available to assist each responsible party with their duties, in each phase of advisory, with the exception of normal Green Phase. In a Green phase, normal blood component inventory levels exist and supply generally meets demand. This phase includes a broad range of inventory levels ranging from an ideal inventory to shortages that occur periodically and can be managed with existing CBS/hospital actions.
During a normal Green phase, actions focus on ensuring that plans to address potential shortages are developed, and that blood is used safely and appropriately.
Document Date: December 2024 |
Resources |
BC Contingency Plan |
Priorities for Red Cell Transfusion in a Blood Shortage |
Toolkits |
Green Phase Advisory |
Amber Phase |
Red Phase |
Recovery Phase |